City Chairman Khaldoon Al Mubarak: Manchester City have announced the passing of former captain and manager Tony Book aged 90. A true club legend, Tony made 315 appearances for City in total between 1966 and 1974, scoring five goals. Tony passed away peacefully on Monday and leaves behind his wife Sylvia, children Anthony and Tracey along with grandson Jake, and great-grandsons Ashley and Brody.“Everyone at Manchester City would like to send their heartfelt condolences to Tony’s family and friends at this very sad time. As a mark of respect, flags around the Etihad Stadium and City Football Academy are flying at half-mast. More tributes from the Club will follow in the coming days,” read the statement by the club.
Appointed captain in 1967, Tony went on to lead City to a First Division title, an FA Cup, a League Cup, a European Cup Winners’ Cup and a Charity Shield title across what was a golden era of success. That alone would have cemented his standing as one of the Club’s all-time greats. However, Tony then further emphasised his unique place in City folklore by embarking on what was to prove a hugely successful spell as manager between 1974 and 1979.
The highlight of his time in charge came in 1976 when Tony led City to League Cup glory at Wembley, with Skip also guiding City to runners-up position in Division One in the 1976/77 campaign. His enormous impact at the Club was further illustrated in the following decade when, by then serving as youth coach, he helped inspire City to a first-ever FA Youth Cup triumph in 1986.
He was subsequently named an Honorary President as well as held down a role as Life President of the Official Supporters Club and remained a hugely popular member of the matchday legends at Etihad home games.
“For nearly sixty years Tony helped to shape Manchester City. Not just in what he contributed as a player, captain, and manager, but in the way he conducted himself. His hopes and ambitions for his club were matched only by his incredible humility regarding his own significant achievements.
He was subsequently named an Honorary President as well as held down a role as Life President of the Official Supporters Club and remained a hugely popular member of the matchday legends at Etihad home games.
Article Source: IANS