Sri Lanka Test: Former Australia fast-bowler Mitchell Johnson has expressed reservations over Steve Smith being named captain for the upcoming Test tour of Sri Lanka, saying it’s like a backward step being taken instead of cashing on the opportunity to try a long-term leadership candidate. Smith was named Australia’s captain for the two-match Test tour of Sri Lanka, starting in Galle on January 29, after regular skipper Pat Cummins opted out due to the birth of his second child and ankle soreness.“As for the decision to bring back Steve Smith as Test captain in Sri Lanka after his one-year suspension and two-year leadership ban over the ball-tampering saga, I can understand the scepticism. While many fans admire his leadership, I’m among those who have reservations about him being resurrected at 35.”
“Opting for a fill-in captain nearing the end of his career seems like a missed opportunity to entrust the role to someone like Travis Head, who could bring fresh energy and perspective. It feels like a backward step, and while my opinion does not change the outcome, it’s frustrating to see choices that don’t seem aligned with long-term team development,” wrote Johnson in his column for ‘The Nightly’ on Thursday.
He also felt pacer Sean Abbott’s selection for the Tests against Sri Lanka left him baffled. “Sean Abbott’s inclusion in the Test squad was surprising, considering his limited first-class exposure this season and the strength of his one-day and Twenty20 performances,” he said.
“It’s puzzling how he would fit into the Test XI. Perhaps selectors believe his style could thrive in the unique conditions in Sri Lanka, which often favour bowlers who can adapt to slower pitches. The overall team balance appears sound, though.”
“With the pace attack comprising Mitchell Starc and Scott Boland, complemented by Beau Webster, we should see a solid performance. Conditions will possibly suit a dual-spin attack and let-armer Matt Kuhnemann could be very useful over there,” wrote Johnson in his column.
Johnson signed off by saying Abbott could have been better off being included in Australia’s squad for the Champions Trophy in place of all-rounder Marcus Stoinis. “The selection of Marcus Stoinis for next month’s Champions Trophy has baffled many, me included.”
“Stoinis’ one-day international form has been a concern for some time, he hasn’t made an ODI half-century since 2019 and he isn’t even contracted to his State team Western Australia.”
Johnson signed off by saying Abbott could have been better off being included in Australia’s squad for the Champions Trophy in place of all-rounder Marcus Stoinis. “The selection of Marcus Stoinis for next month’s Champions Trophy has baffled many, me included.”
Article Source: IANS