Mumbai City FC: Any top football team faces the challenge of staying motivated despite success. Mumbai City FC have begun their Indian Super League (ISL) Cup defense with a draw and a loss in their opening two games, however forward Vikram Partap Singh has stated that the team is more motivated to win the trophy than they were last time out.“We are motivated more than last time. When you play for a club like Mumbai City FC you know you have to win. A draw is like a loss for us and everyone plays with this mentality,” Singh told IANS.
Vikram joined Mumbai City FC in October 2020 but had his breakout season under head coach Petr Kratky in the 2023/24 season. The 22-year-old forward played 20 games in the season in which he scored seven goals and provided eight assists. He then went on to score in the 91st-minute in the first leg of the semifinal vs FC Goa which saw his team win 3-2.
Despite breaking out into the limelight, he emphasised how he does not feel the pressure that comes with his performances.
“I think the pressure does not matter much as I always strive to be better than I was in this previous season. I don’t care about chatter and I just aim to score more goals than I did last season,” he added.
It is also important to emphasise the 22-year-old’s growth under head coach Petr Kratky. The forward praised his coach for his tendency to allow the players to express themselves.
“One of my favourite things about him (Petr Kratky) is how he does not limit us. He allows us to express ourselves on the pitch and gives us freedom to play how we want to. He demands the basics from us like defending but allows us to explore,” Said Singh.
Vikram made his debut for India in January 2024 and has now appeared for the side four times since. He is now eyeing his first goal for the Blue Colts.
“One of my favourite things about him (Petr Kratky) is how he does not limit us. He allows us to express ourselves on the pitch and gives us freedom to play how we want to. He demands the basics from us like defending but allows us to explore,” Said Singh.
Article Source: IANS