Celtic Football Club: Celtic Football Club have announced that Jota has returned to his former club as the Portuguese winger has put pen to paper on a five-and-a-half-year contract which will see him remain at the Scottish side until June 2030.“It’s very nostalgic for me because it was such an amazing feeling and all the moments that I felt through my two seasons here, and I’m just delighted to be back. I’m really excited and I just can’t wait to start. The best thing in Glasgow, besides Celtic obviously, is the people and I feel like I need a place with soul, where I feel at home. This is definitely something I was looking for, and I think there is no better match than Celtic.
“I’m so excited. The last year-and-a-half has had its ups and downs, but that’s life and that’s how football is. Now I just can’t wait to work hard, to get along with the lads again and just to flow,” said Jota to Celtic TV.
The 25-year-old joins from French side, Rennes, where he has spent the past six months following time in Saudi Arabia with Al-Ittihad. It is Jota’s second spell with Celtic, having initially joined the Hoops from Benfica back in 2021, on a season-long loan.
That first year proved to be a great success, with Jota playing his part in helping the club win the Scottish Premiership title and the League Cup. And after making his move to Celtic a permanent one, he was an integral part of the squad which won the Treble in 2022/23.
The 25-year-old joins from French side, Rennes, where he has spent the past six months following time in Saudi Arabia with Al-Ittihad. It is Jota’s second spell with Celtic, having initially joined the Hoops from Benfica back in 2021, on a season-long loan.
Article Source: IANS