Olympic Agenda

Olympic Qualifier Series Electrifies Athletes And Fans In Shanghai

IOC President Thomas Bach: At the end of four action-packed days of world-class competition in… Read More

IOC Launches Olympic AI Agenda To Help In Talent Scouting, Access To Personalised Training Methods

The Olympic AI Agenda: In a ground-breaking initiative, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) on Friday… Read More

Thomas Bach Sees Olympic Games As Hope Of Bringing World Together

Winter Youth Olympic Games: International Olympic Committee (IOC) president Thomas Bach has sent out his… Read More

International Athletes’ Forum Concludes In Lausanne

IOC President Thomas Bach:  The International Athletes' Forum 2023 concluded here following a two-day meeting,… Read More

Bach Hails Paris Olympics 2024 As ‘Games Of New Era’

International Olympic Committee:  International Olympic Committee (IOC) president Thomas Bach hailed next year's Olympic Games… Read More

IOC Dedicated To Promoting Sport For Urban Development

The International Olympic Committee:  The International Olympic Committee (IOC) and UN-Habitat have signed a new… Read More