We Will Not Hesitate To Take Strict Action: DSA President Anuj Gupta On Match-fixing

We will not hesitate to take strict action: DSA President Anuj Gupta on match-fixing

DSA President Anuj Gupta: Ahead of the start of the 2024 Delhi Premier League, the Delhi Soccer Association president Anuj Gupta spoke on the measures taken by the governing body to protect the integrity of the game which was threatened by the match-fixing scandal that came to light in the second edition of the tournament.“There is a no-tolerance policy. There is a procedure, we have to give notice to the clubs involved. The evidence will be presented to the Disciplinary Committee and then a decision will be made. It is important to follow the procedure but as a President, I promise we will not hesitate to take strict actions,” said Anuj Gupta to reporters in a press conference.

“We suspended Ahbab Football Club but the rules state that a club can only be suspended until the AGM and then the matter is discussed. We had filed a complaint with the Anti-Corruption Bureau and an FIR was filed on that complaint. Now the case is being investigated by the police and once they reveal the report on the chargesheet, the Disciplinary Committee will make their decision and will tell the clubs involved of their decision,” he added.

A video of players scoring own-goals went viral on social media in February when the team was 4-0 ahead in the match. In reaction to the same, DSA suspended Ahbab Football Club and ten players were also banned by the governing body.

“The own-goal that everybody saw was a very sad moment. We are giving our all for the growth of football and then something like this happens, it is very disheartening. We banned 10 players which is a first in DSA history. Our effort this time is that if any such report comes up, the players and the club will be shown a show cause notice so we can kill this evil soon,” said Anuj.

A video of players scoring own-goals went viral on social media in February when the team was 4-0 ahead in the match. In reaction to the same, DSA suspended Ahbab Football Club and ten players were also banned by the governing body.

Article Source: IANS